About Zendesk

The Zendesk support suite allows you to offer service on the channels your customer accesses, while offering a unified and organized interface for your service team. Bring your process to the tool, track and analyze your data in a totally personalized way.

Adapt to your process

Reproduce your team structure and process, distribute responsibilities clearly and dynamically.

Analyzes in your daily life

Zendesk is a tool that generates information and data for you to define what you want to view. The classification possibilities of your calls and agents allow you a multitude of analyzes.

All channels in one place

Providing support that adapts to your client's reality and preferences is essential and need not be complicated. Your team working on what's important, in a single interface.

Integration for your tools

Its API connectivity allows integration with several market tools for easy coupling to legacy systems.


Zendesk allows great flexibility to design different service flows. Because of this variety, its use can present some challenges:

  • Interface configuration and team subdivisions
  • Use of reports and dashboards in the management routine
  • SLA configuration for process standard
  • Understanding and engaging agents in the operational routine
  • Understanding APIs and connectivity to other tools

Zendesk with Deskflows App

Explore maximum Zendesk productivity with real-time dashboards

With the Deskflows App it is possible to follow the level of stocks at the stages of your process in Zendesk. This gives you powerful indicators on the progress of activities, and allows for quick action on restrictions, boosting routine monitoring in Zendesk.

  • Real-time view of each phase
  • Alerts for SLA bottlenecks and disruptions in your communication tool
  • Flow analysis to understand which stages of the process are getting in the way

SERVICE CASES with Zendesk

See how Deskflows helped to enhance the use of Zendesk in our customers

Management software company

Integrating support and development for incredible results

This company, a supplier of corporate performance software, already had its support divided into layers, but was unable to dynamically control the functions of its agents. The leader spent a lot of time advising on standard procedures and what should be done, rework was common, and there was no clear vision of achieving the goals.Com nossa ajuda, o processo foi modelado dentro do Zendesk, tornando-se muito mais claro e com escopos bem definidos. Focando o processo em papéis, e não em funções fixas, os agentes circulavam entre os níveis de suporte oferecendo recursos onde era necessário. Com o Zendesk conectado ao Deskflows App, foi possível identificar em tempo real as filas (estoques) para cada segmento e o que deveria ser tratado a seguir, graças a um sistema de priorização integrado. Isto possibilitou melhorar em 25% o tempo de primeira resposta e em 12% o SLA geral dos chamados.
A comunicação entre os times de suporte e desenvolvimento tornou-se mais suave, com suas ferramentas integradas e contextos compartilhados, profissionalizando o fluxo de trabalho e melhorando o SLA dos chamados que envolviam ambos os departamentos em 30%.

  • Real-time view of agent / group stock status
  • Monitoring the achievement of SLA and other metrics
  • Identification of bottlenecks and inefficiencies, elaboration of corrective plans
  • standard documentation and prioritization shared with development

Administrative operations outsourcing process

Identifying and segmenting workflows

One of our clients offers administration outsourcing services to other companies, freeing them from administrative activities. For that, it is necessary to have a more efficient operation than the sum of all customers. In this scenario, we have implemented Zendesk as the main tool for receiving demands and implementing workflows. We apply the entire Deskflows productivity framework and structure all metrics and controls so that. In addition, all the queuing modeling of this client was carried out, allowing the team manager to have a real-time view of the bottlenecks of this operation, and to act in a precise way to resolve them.

  • Clear view with status of each step of the workflow
  • Work distributed among several specializations and agents
  • Agility to act in bottlenecks and identify risks
  • Contextual information centered on so-called
  • Generation of data for analysis (metrics and indicators)


Find out how Deskflows can help you get the most out of Zendesk

If you are interested in how Deskflows solved their customers’ problems using Zendesk, fill out the form on the side! A member of our team will contact you to understand exactly your need and design the best solution for your company!