
Sizing your team

Here at Deskflows we say: “agility is different from speed”. In other words, it is necessary to think less about functions and more about roles: enable the agent to navigate between different levels, acting on different demands, prioritizing according to an objective criterion. Therefore, sectioning your process based on these roles, or categories, is one of the most important steps when thinking about an agile […]


Challenges of remote work

The challenge of remote work has an important feature: while most corporate decisions must centralize the client, remote work must consider (mainly) more internal factors. The solutions and experiences delivered should not be affected, however, the way they are delivered will be adapted. The main challenges will generally be related to your process, infrastructure, communication, and most importantly: people. In a world with a wide […]


The journey of building a customer service team

Building a customer service team is a long journey. Over my experience in the past few years and talking to our customers, we have been able to define some major stages in this team development process. In general, this roadmap applies to any service team, especially for companies that have products. For teams that operate in different markets, or when the service is ultra-personalized, some […]